Alessandro Guccini
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Total Running 281 km
Member since almost 2 years
Post #3 of 3

perfect thanks for the advice.

I encountered the same behavior so well done. My doubt was whether I should have warmed up before launching the session on the watch.. but already included (with lap press). 

Raphael Schweizer
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Total Running 2'374 km
Member since almost 2 years
Post #1 of 4

For me, my Garmin Fenix 6 starts with "Warmup until Lap press", i.e. you manually define when the first fast interval starts. Then the watch follows the schedule (all transitions are automatic, voice announcements [I wear a bone conduction headset] are given as expected, i.e. "run X minutes at Y pace") and ends with "Cooldown until Lap press".

Alessandro Guccini
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Total Running 281 km
Member since almost 2 years
Post #2 of 3

Can anyone using Garmin help me? Tomorrow if I start the training proposed on the garmin (interval training 5x5min/1km) what will it do? Does it start immediately with the fast sessions or is there a warm-up phase? Is the correct pace time proposed by the watch for every single repetition or do I have to check the watch myself and take the time?

Alessandro Guccini
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Total Running 281 km
Member since almost 2 years
Post #1 of 3

Hi all.

Tomorrow I have my first interval training with the app. I was wondering.. the workout that was transferred to the garmin from the app and that I find on the calendar is already set with all the times/paces of the various repetitions (warm-up, fast phase, recovery phase) so I just need to start the garmin and follow instructions? Or does a linear workout start and within it I have to calculate when to start with the single repetition so if I want to do well I have to set the workout manually in garmin connect?

Thank you
