Tom Lee
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Total Running 1'963 km
Member since almost 2 years
Post #2 of 2

Thanks HR for sharing your experience.

The questions that you listed, which often are what I have in mind, I am currently Googling. Perhaps I will try to ask with RunningCoach with my account and see if there are helpful and specific answers for me.

Happy running :)


Hansruedi Nyffenegger
Total Running 22'285 km
Member since over 9 years
Post #362 of 442

I'd try

or the "support" function at the end of the homepage.

But - as I am NOT using Silver, I'd be happy if someone else could answer...




Razvan Gheorghe
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Total Running 3'400 km
Member since about 2 years
Post #1 of 1


Have you figured out how to ask those questions (which email to write to?)? I am looking for the same answer and could not figure that out.

Thank you, 


Hansruedi Nyffenegger
Total Running 22'285 km
Member since over 9 years
Post #361 of 442

Hi there

If you ask specific questions, you will get quite specific answers. That can be based on you actual data, I think, the coaches can have a look on it. But if you want to discuss your data thoroughly, it is Gold Coaching.
In Silver your questions might be about rather technical issues like "how to drink /  how long to train for a certain competition / should I start my marathon with pace 6:12 or 6.00",
It might be about training "how can I train for trailrunning in my flat neighborhood / can I do 2 hours of cycling instead of a 10 k run / I had to stop trainings for two week due to injury - should I do my 3 hrs LJ tomorrow"
Or about your planning and "does it make sense to plan a 10 k competition 12 days before my first marathon / should I run a half marathon after 3 month of training."

I had just a few free Silver Subscription months in the last seven years. As far as I remember, the answers were helpful in general, about the lenght of this post and very specific, when I asked with my specific data. (That is: if you ask vage, without including the necessary infos, they rather guess than advice...)

I hope, that some silver - or even Gold - User could add their opinion - I have asked just a handfull of questions and thats quite some time ago.



Tom Lee
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Total Running 1'963 km
Member since almost 2 years
Post #1 of 2


I have been using the Silver Subscription for 2 months and am loving the training plans.
1 question I have is how do you use the "Two advice questions per month by e-mail" function?
What sort of questions, and to what level of detail can I ask? Will the answers be generic or based off my personal training data?
And how do I go about asking these?
