Hansruedi Nyffenegger
Total Running 22'274 km
Member since over 9 years
Post #415 of 442

hi Laurent :-)

OK, I am a Polar - User. There I have the issue, that sometimes RC can't find out which of my severeal activities (morning walk, afternoonwalk, Run, Streching, evening walk...) is "THE" training, RC wants me to do, and then I sometimes have so many activities that I can't see a specific one. My solution is then to eliminate the unnecessary ones.

But I always hope, that a Garmin user answers your question. (and I would appreciate if a lot more people wrote here...)

Hansruedi (no ü...) Hans (rhymes with runs) Ru (rhymes with you) edi (like Teddy) - but never mind: pretty swiss name, not even my German friends can proncounce it properly... :-D




Warren Delano
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Total Running 485 km
Member since 8 months
Post #2 of 2

Hallo dear Hansrüdi, indeed my real first name is Laurent, I just registered with a nickname ^^ Thanks for your reply and sorry for my late re-reply. I found out that the sync between Garmin and Running.coach was sometimes disabled by what seems to be a bug.

For example, yesterday I did a run, plus several walks, plus a 1.500m swim. All these activities got sync'ed correctly from Garmin, except the swim. Therefore I tried to export this activity as both TCX and GPX and to import it manually into Running-Coach, but I've got the following error message: "activity_16737061447.tcx [missing "fr.errors.training.training.limit" translation]" and the import fails. This issue happened for my swim of yesterday, but neither for the one I did today, nor for the previous ones I did over the last 2 weeks.

I suspect sometimes Garmin activities are generating some localised content that is not recognised by Running.coach, possibiliy due to national characters in place names or something like that. I wonder what this "training.training.limit" might refer to... I tried to open the file in an editor but the script is hardly readable.

That seems to be a limitation but I am surprised I should be the only to encounter it. Any ideas are welcome. Thanks again, best regards.


Hansruedi Nyffenegger
Total Running 22'274 km
Member since over 9 years
Post #413 of 442

Hi -Is it Laurent or Warren?

Maybe the run is not visible due to the two walks? I'd try to erease the walks. Then you might see the run.


Warren Delano
User img default
Total Running 485 km
Member since 8 months
Post #1 of 2

Hi everyone, I need your help/advice.

I've just started my plan, I did a first run today but it seems that it hasn't been taken into account. I use a Garmin Venu 2 and Garmin Connect watch, the sync was made correctly for the walks I did before and after the run, but not the run itself. The side activities do appear on my calendar for today, but the run has been ignored. As a matter of fact, the 8.9km run I was supposed to do has been substituted by two walks of 0.7km. Any ideas? Thanks ^^ - Laurent