Mike Oberli
Total Running 4'028 km
Member since almost 15 years
Post #371 of 540

Hi Olivia

Mobile number is not nesessary for the training schedule. It is only necessary if you have a silver abo and you like to receive a remember for every workout a sms.

As I know, the follow informations are not necessary for the training schedule:

  • day of birth
  • body height
  • weight
  • gender
  • internation area code
  • mobile number
  • time of sms seding


Olivia Lennick
User img default
Total Running 0 km
Member since about 9 years
Post #1 of 1

Hello out there


Can somebody tell me if it is necessary to fill out all the informations for generating the training schedule? e. .g. is it necessary to provide mobile number?


G, olivia